June 4, 2008

Better Late Than Never...

Joey here with the dvd releases (a day late I know, but waking up for summer classes kicked my ass this week...won't happen again), though there isn't much to get excited about this week. A few things are worth a look (including my first mention of a TV program on dvd), but overall this is another down week, with the PICK OF THE WEEK pretty much coming by default:
One of the most compelling films of last year that was sadly overlooked comes to dvd and if anyone was an Ian Curtis or Joy Division fan, they really ought to see this.
Also out worth checking into is (for Clint Eastwood fans at least) the Dirty Harry Collection. These films are what they are, and if it's your thing, they're definitely worth adding to your collection.
My first mention of a TV show here is the release of the 4th season of Rescue Me. This is (in my humble opinion) the best show on the air, and if you don't watch it on FX, go out and get the seasons on dvd. Thank me later.
This week also sees the release of Vince Vaughn's Wild West Comedy Show, which was ok but nothing special at all, Semi Pro, though it was not something that anyone outside of hardcore Will Ferrell fans should feel the need to search out with any force, The Eye, which basically is in the same boat as Semi Pro, only for Jessica Alba fans, and Meet The Spartans, but the less said about that flaming turd of a movie, the better.
The "classic" pick of the week is something to remind us that the Wachowski Brothers once had talent. No, not The Matrix, but Bound, a crime noir that is immensely entertaining. You won't look at Jennifer Tilly or Gina Gershon the same way ever again...
Anything this week strike the interest of you guys?


  1. You forgot one thing...WEEDS SEASON 3!

  2. oddly enough, my grandfather is a huge Weeds fan...i've never watched it though
