I for one don't think it's really a big deal that The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is getting the Criterion treatment right out of the gate, though I will confess that it's more than a little surprising. The film is one of a handful that I thought Criterion would look to put out at some point, but immediately, no, that was a bit of a shock. Still, it's no big deal, and just means a really good release right away, but I figured I'd throw this out there...
does this bother you at all?
only a little
ReplyDeleteI could care less
ReplyDeleteI actually think its pretty sad that you care so much about this
ReplyDeletePerhaps getting such a lucrative welcome is a little out of place, but I think this was a project where so much time and effort was put into it that you need a really special edition to cover it all. Besides, how many times have people complained about waiting so long for a special edition release of a David Fincher film.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Fincher signed a deal with Criterion. Wes Anderson and Kevin Smith films sometimes go straight to Criterion...
No, but I don't get why people are making such a fuss over it, afterall films like Armageddon have gotten Criterion treatment (I'm specifically talking about some commentators at AwardsDaily)
ReplyDeleteI loved Benjamin Button, I found it beautiful, lyrical and flawed (in a good way) and was the number one film for me last year along with Let the Right One In, so having such a nice release makes me happy
Why the fuck is this film getting a Criterion period? I mean I thought it was a very good film, but does that qualify it as being a tremendous step forward for film?
ReplyDeleteThis action, in my opinion, is blasphemy and on top of it all it's one of the worst DVDs I've ever seen.
Sadly, I lost more respect for this film as well as for Criterion. Considering that the works typically put on Criterion are considered the directors' best works, this doesn't even come close for Fincher.
Hopefully he'll return to form and make smaller, better projects like he used to be so good at.
- Josh K.
i'm inclined to side with Joey here
I loved the movie, and think it is a great addition to the Criterion family. I can't wait till this comes out, plus I love the cover art. I just think it looks really cool, and I'm pumped that there are over three hours of bonus features. To all of those who are upset over this news, I don't understand what you are so angry about. If you don't think it deserves to be a Criterion release, then don't buy the DVD. Nobody is forcing you. Anybody who gets angry over a DVD release needs to take a long look at their life and reassess what is important. They also may need to find a good therapist because they have some serious, deep-seeded emotional problems they need to work out.
ReplyDeletegood point...ultimately I'm far more excited for a Criterion dvd release than I am confused over its very existence, so I'm pumped overall
ReplyDeleteThis is one of the last 2008 films I would have thought they'd put on Criterion. What a disappointment too. This isn't Fincher's best by a mile and it wasn't really that great in the first place. The technical elements are all great but the story and acting really just don't go anywhere after a certain point. Why, Criterion, why?
ReplyDeleteThe cover's pretty lackluster...otherwise it should at least have some interesting extras. Wouldn't mind watching this with a Fincher commentary. The making of this is probably better than the actual movie anyway. At least the extras will be worth it.
ReplyDeleteBenjamin Button is Fincher's most critically acclaimed film, regardless of anyone's opinions. I found many faults with the film, but I'm not surprised at it getting the Criterion treatment...maybe because I could care less. It could be a marketing ploy too. Films like this don't usually get watched more than a couple of times. It definitely isn't the kind of film on my wish-list. This basically seals the deal for fans of the film. Eh, I dunno.
I really don't understand two things
ReplyDelete1. Why this film has been met with so much venom and hate since it's release and screenings
2. Why people are up in arms about a dvd release. Criterion is a company and therefore they get to decide what films they release. Whine all you want, but it wont change anything. Plus, in a way, this could be good for Criterion and all the old classic and foreign films they have restored and given such excellent treatment to. By releasing a popular film on Criterion, a whole new group of people are then introduced to Criterion as a whole and they may be enticed to check out the other releases.
But seriously, it's a freaking dvd. No one is forcing you to buy it, and look on the bright side, this means the special features will be great, and the picture and sound quality will be outstanding. Stop whining and get your priorities in check.
I'll get the blu-ray when it comes so, no, it doesn't bother me.