we'll both be at the midnight screening and will, in one form or another be reporting back at some point with our thoughts...will this follow in the footsteps of The Dark Knight or end up a mild or major disappointment? Feel free to
post here with thoughts, reactions, anything Watchmen related...and anyone else seeing it tonight....enjoy!
please god let it be good
ReplyDeletethey should be out now...can't wait to hear from them!
ReplyDeletewell, i just got back...and all i'll say is...they didn't fuck it up
as a short tease, I will simply say that it, in equal parts, exceeded, met, and fell below my expectations...more to come
ReplyDeletebtw...fantastic new trailers for both Up and Star Trek, the latter of which is going up on the blog soon
ReplyDeleteJust got back myself. Not to get anybody's hopes up, since we all seem to have differing opinions, but I thought it was nothing short of spectacular.
ReplyDeleteI thought it had its problems and it isn't the graphic novel by any means but they did an amazing job and I hope this doesn't get overlooked come awards season, particularly Jackie Earle Haley who blew me away, Matthew Goode and Dean Morgan were also fantastic, but the techs...mainly cinematography which I feel it will be snubbed of...great film with a lot of problems.
Certainly would agree that it has problems. Acting, writing, and the soundtrack are right at the top of that list. Jackie Earle Haley is arguably the best one in the movie. JD Morgan is almost a joke most of the time but then again that could be more of a writing problem with some of the most ridiculous dialogue (and at times so predictable for people who haven't read the book). I wanted this to be so good going in and then came out thinking that Blly Crudup made a bad Dr Manhattan and that Laurie Jupiter was just awful. Patrick Wilson and the man playing Hollis Mason were really just spot on for me. Wilson had the right balance of loser and hero going on. Carla Gugino barely looked 50 in her make up which was a big distraction. At times it seemed like Zack Snyder was more interested in making really obvious music videos where the lyrics match the action onscreen to the letter. Sounds of Silence doesn't have much to do with funerals, Hallelujah is becoming overused (at least it wasn't the Jeff Buckley version though) and All Along the Watchtower was completely unnecessary...not to mention the musical abortion that is My Chemical Romance's cover of Desolation Row. Overall the highlight of the movie was the opening credits with Dylan singing Dylan and a really inventive way of shooting. That was really the only instance where I thought 'visionary director' was even remotely applicable. Slow motion just gets annoying after a while. It's not the graphic novel but it's a pretty entertaining movie in the end (C+/B- territory). The blood's more fun than disgusting and the prison riot Rorschach scenes are worth the price alone.