February 17, 2008

Academy Idol Episode XXVIIII: Top 3 Results


  1. So the fact that Knocked Up is still there is like a Sanjaya joke. It's funny for a little while, then it just gets annoying. Plus, Knocked Up had a sucky trailer. Didn't make me want to see the movie at all. TWBB better win or I have lost all faith in the voters.

  2. I agree 100%.

    Knocked Up didn't have the best trailer ever. The TWBB trailer is enough to send shivers down your spine - so it is way better.

  3. The fact that Knocked Up made into the Top 10 when infinitely better movies like Once, Into The Wild, Before The Devil Knows You're Dead, Eastern Promises, Sweeney Todd, hell, No Country For Old Men, have fallen before it is utterly ridiculous. I'm just thrilled that There Will Be Blood (my favorite of the year), has made it this far. Fingers crossed that it wins.

  4. This is a joke. Who voted for Knocked Up, seriously? I voted for There Will Be Blood and Juno (my two favorite films this year) maybe 20 times each. God...

  5. Just remember that every poll voting system in the world is rigged.
