February 23, 2008

In The "Spirit" of a certain Awards Show...

Joey here....the Spirit Awards are upon us and wanted to see what people thought about them....are they the younger, sexier sibling to Oscar or just a kiss of death for the hip indie film of any given year?

I think this is going to be a night for two films...Juno and I'm Not There

what do you guys think?

1 comment:

  1. They're not really anything. They're just the Independent Spirit Awards. They really have no influence on the Oscars whatsoever--especially considering that most films nominated at the Spirit Awards weren't even nominated at the Oscars. And even if they were, the Spirit Awards have *very* different taste from AMPAS (ex: The Savages gets nominations everywhere but for Linney, at the Oscars Linney and the Screenplay are it). Still, I love the Spirit Awards and I wish they weren't on so damn late.
