November 18, 2008

Top Ten Reasons NOT to Make 'Batman 3'

I know we don't need anymore Batman talk, but I am in full support for ending the Batman franchise at the 'Dark Knight'. I think we need to start this campaign, and luckily David Frank offers some compelling reasons.


  1. Comparing Christopher Nolan to Sam Raimi is beyond insulting! Nolan will not make the third film if he believes he cannot make a story worth telling. I trust him 100%. If he makes it I'll be like "Ok cool you found a way to make one great I trust you." If he doesnt I'll go "Okay it is very respectable of you to step down and not let the fans down." Whether or not Nolan comes back does not matter a third film is inevitable the studio will make a 3rd film, why beause there a fricking studio. Thats what they do...

    On Ledger to not have the Joker return in my opinion would be an insult to Ledger's performance. Ledger put his heart and soul into that role and to not include The Joker in the franchise would be an insult. You dont need him in the next film but say you made batman 5 it is enivitable that The Joker come back. Heath was an actor who had total devotion to his art form and that being said he did whatever needed to be done to help the film out, and as a major theme in The Dark Knight is cannot have Batman without The Joker simple as that. In my opinion Ledger would be willing to do anything to give the film what it deserved if he had died befroe filming was complete and they were obligated to recast him, I feel he would have wanted them too because to jsut use what they had and alter the script would be hurting the art...actors like Heath have total devoltion and they want to see whats best for the art not whats best for them. If the threequel streak will ever be broken it will be here with TDK 2. I for one would be fine if Nolan stepped down but I would be psyched if he made a third film. I do agree with the article that unless you can get Bale, Oldman, Fox and Caine bac you should not make the film. But of course the studio will anyway. Also I doubt there is a way to top The Dark Knight but did Jedi top Empire? no but Jedi is still great...if a movie came out as good as Batman Begins thats fine with me...I hope they make a third film but if Nolan steps down I wont be too disappointed.


  2. If Nolan doesn't come back, then he would have to be replaced with a director of equal status (i.e. Fincher, PTA, etc). I agree that Nolan will not end up like Raimi. Nolan is one of the best directors out today, and he does not do crap. He's able to pick a good script, so I'm confident that he won't sign on to anything that's not good. A 3rd will probably be made, but if Brett Ratner is directing it, I won't go see it. I won't accept any director.
