February 17, 2009

A new poster for the Dragonball movie

A resounding meh...


  1. Come on, damnit. Seriously? If you absolutely have to make this movie, at least take the time to do a halfway decent job of it. This features the cast and special effects of a made-for-TV special. Most people I talk to don't even know it's coming out, and when they hear about it they loose interest faster than a serial womanizer. It may have a decent opening weekend, then I guarantee you culture is gonna forget about this thing faster than you can say "Wait, there was a Dragonball movie? Where was I?"

    That's my little rant for the day.

  2. I completely agree Myles. I loved the old anime and manga series, and they are practically shitting all over the whole thing. In watching both trailers, its looks pretty much nothing like the anime or manga I remember. At least the actor playing Goku got the kamehameha down. But other than that, this is essentially Dragonball In Name Only. Ugh, and what makes me angry is that I will see it anyways, just to see how badly they destroyed something so dear to my childhood. If you're gonna do it, do it right, or don't do it at all.

  3. great minds think alike...I have no reason for this to exist

  4. this makes me sad, Dragonball was a part of my childhood and its likely to be chewed up, spitten, and then swallowed again before getting shitted out into the biggest pile of crap

  5. 20th Century Fox = Spawn of Satan
