February 2, 2009

Oscar Doubt...

Michael Ciepley has a piece in the New York Times about the Oscars and its (lack thereof) ratings. The questions has been raised several times whether anyone is going to watch this year's Oscars. By "anyone", I mean more than the 32 million that watched it last year (so it's a term of art, which doesn't mean zero). Better stated, will the Oscars be able to overcome last year's low ratings? I'm not too certain. The films this year haven't grossed that much (save Benjamin Button and Slumdog). Milk is culturally relevant, so that might encourage people to watch? Perhaps the popularity of Slumdog and Benjamin Button will be enough to overcome the low ratings of last year. Honestly, I can't call it. Do you think the Oscars will suffer from low ratings like last year?

1 comment:

  1. Hate to bring up The Dark Knight again, but we all knew that without a mega blockbuster going into the race for a major category, there wasn't going to be much incentive for the rest of the world to tune in. Oscar enthusiasts may always watch the ceremony, and actually care about TDK's technical nods (I know I do), but most do not, and Ledger's win isn't going to be enough. So yeah, they'll have low ratings yet again.
