March 2, 2009

Details on a strange new project for director Alexander Payne

Variety has the scoop on the new flick, which is odd, to say the least:

Alexander Payne is putting the finishing touches on a script about little people titled “Downsizing” and has put together a big-name cast.
Paul Giamatti, Sacha Baron Cohen and Reese Witherspoon have all committed to star in the film, which would likely land at Fox Searchlight, where Payne has a first-look deal.
Giamatti and Witherspoon -- who have both previously teamed with the director on “Sideways” and “Election,” respectively -- would play a married couple who are low on money and decide they can have a much nicer life retiring as little people. Witherspoon’s character decides to pull out at the last minute, leaving Giamatti as the sole tiny person in the union.
Cohen is set to take on two characters: a pint-sized Spaniard and his normal-sized twin brother and business partner, though insiders say that since the script is a work in progress, that role may evolve.
There are no deals in place for the three principals, and no negotiations will take place until Payne finishes his screenplay.
Unlike previous Payne pics, “Downsizing” would require considerable special effects and could push the budget out of Searchlight’s realm.
Project marks Payne’s first pic since “Sideways,” which was a Searchlight pic.
-Count me in, since if this


  1. Awesome! I wonder if Jim Taylor wrote it with him.

  2. little people lmao

  3. no details yet on if he's involved or not

  4. I love Alexander Payne's work (except Chuck and Larry), About Schmidt, Sideways and Election are all in my top 50. And the fact that two actors that he worked wonders with are joining him (Witherspoon and Giamatti) makes me even happier. Hopefullly he can pull it off!

  5. "Election" is one of my all-time favorite films. So much insight, knowledge of human nature, and sophistication is involved in that film. Can't wait to see this upcoming film!
