March 3, 2009

A new trailer for Terminator Salvation

-This trailer is very good, with more plot involved...this is looking better and better...agree?


  1. I worked at a management company that reps Sam Worthington. From what I know, the film is going to be really good.

  2. I will say that this is my favorite of the trailers, and has me more excited to see the movie now. However, I wonder how much it will feel like a "Terminator" movie, especially with the song. Seems like a new kind of movie with the same name. Which may not be a bad thing...

  3. i agree, naturally i had my doubts because of the director. But thinking about it James Cameron did Piranha 2 literally just before the first Terminator. I guess we should give this guy a chance too, even if he does have a shit name.
    Sound and Sound Effects a genuine contender. Possibly even Visual Effects Make Up and Art Direction

  4. Looks good yes, but needs a bit more "Terminator" in it. It just doesn't seem to carry the mythology and history of the Terminator series. But it does look impressive.
