May 17, 2009

Kevin Smith wants to gun for some awards with his upcoming Sports Flick

Yes, Kevin Smith and awards don't go hand in hand for most, but he seems to think this passion project he has with Mitch Albom might be the one to break through:

Kind of seems like The Wrestler, only with hockey...what do you think of this potential film?


  1. good film comparison...all depends on who he gets for the lead

  2. this would be the first Kev Smith film i had any interest in

  3. i'm a big fan of his, and this news has me incredibly excited...always good to see a director you like try new things

  4. the way he's been talking about hockey lately (and Wayne Gretzky) it's hard to imagine this not being his best film to date...or at least the one he works hardest on

  5. It's no secret that I'm a big fan of his (seeing him play Carnegie Hall in a few weeks), but objectively, I can easily say this has his most potential yet...if we get Miracle or Slap Shot crossed with The Wrestler, that could truly be something special...and agreed that it heavily relies on who becomes the player in question

  6. I'd cast Ryan Gosling...he's from Canada after all
