October 9, 2007

Charlie Wilson's War - Sneak Peek

Here is the Charlie Wilson's War - Sneak Peek. You judge it! Is it Oscar worthy?


  1. looks really baity, but the sneak peak didnt do much for me

  2. Me either! Julia's accent smells funky.

  3. I agree.. that accent did not sound right! But i suppose it's like Johnny depp's singing.. we can't judge until we have seen the complete thing.

    But (again) like Sweeney Todd.. i find myself disappointed by the trailer.

    The song at the end reminded me somehow of The Graduate.. so maybe Mike Nichols will get attention, you never know.

  4. After watching the trailer the only thing I did was take it out of the front-runner place in my predictions... but I really don't know why.
