October 28, 2007

DIGGING INTO: Tom Houseman

Tom Houseman, a New York native has been one of the most creative and innovative critics of the Igloo. Drawing many readers and fans, people have been dying to know what makes Tom tick. Find out!
Name: Tom Houseman
Birthday and Age: October 1st 1987, 20
Location: New York
Education: College Student

What is it about the Oscars that you love so much? "The history."
Future Aspirations: Screenwriter and Producer

Your favorite Oscar winning film of the 80 years: Of the Best Picture winners, either Rain Man or On the Waterfront

In your opinion, biggest Oscar snub:Nomination: too many to count, but most recently The Fountain for Best Score. Winner: Memento- Best Original Screenplay 2001

Hobbies: "Other than movie related hobbies, watching sports, arguing about politics, playing poker."

Predicted Best Picture nominees for 2007:
American Gangster
The Kite Runner
Sweeney Todd
There Will Be Blood

Single, married, engaged, etc? In a committed relationship.

Most embarrasing moment? "Any time I walk the wrong direction in New York City for half a mile without noticing the street signs."

Favorite films of all time:Remember, these are favorites, not best: Empire Records, Harvey, Memento, The Princess Bride, The Shawshank Redemption

Favorite actors and actresses:Kate Winslet, Laura Linney, Toni Collette. Johnny Depp, Gael Garcia Bernal, Peter Sarsgaard

Anything you would like say to your fans and readers: "If it weren't for you, I'd just be a weirdo sitting in my room obsessing over the Oscars, by myself, for no reason. You guys make me seem sane, and for that I thank you."

Besides yourselves, your favorite Igloo writer: Who else? Johnny Alba

Your favorite Oscar predictor out there: David Poland
Any questions for Tom or general comments? Tell him here!


  1. U look like a cool guy

  2. Tom is one of our most popular writers and he definitely has the very special talent of knowing what people are interested to read about...

  3. Tom is probably my favorite writer and I look forward to his future work. So once again:

    Which current Oscar flop were you most disappointed with when you found out that was less than expected?

  4. I know I'VE been dying to know what makes this guy tick.........
