October 22, 2007

Dig into the Igloo

Coming later this week!

Get to know your fellow Igloo writers. We'll have personal profiles of each one ranging from their predicted nominees for 2008 to most embarrassing moments. More than the bios in the About Us section, it's one on one with you, our readers. You can ask questions, comment or just get to know someone in our lonely world of Oscar watching.

Who are you looking most forward to getting to know?

Johnny Alba
Robert Cameron
Clayton Davis
Kelly Doucette
Lee Hernandez
Tom Houseman
Myles Hughes
Josh Kirschenbaum
Joey Magidson
Danny West


  1. As a newbie to the site, I'm looking forward to learning more about all of you. So far I'm enjoying following along as you track the (still) long road to the Oscars, as well as reading the well-written articles you've posted.

    I'll be watching. :)

  2. To Johnny: How much importance are given to the Oscars outside the US; he is from Europe so he can tell.

  3. I love all of you but I'm looking foward the most to Johnny's and Kelly's. Johnny's cause he created the site and everything and Kelly because she is one of the senior writers and we dont know alot about her

  4. I'm disappointed that Kelly is a man.
