October 9, 2007

Enchanted: What's the Buzz?

In less than a week, Disney's Enchanted went from potential B.O. hit to potential B.O. mega-hit AND Oscar-worthy film... Everybody is talking about Amy Adams but what's the real deal about her performance?

The film's trailer doesn't really show much about Adams and instead, it focuses on much of the physical comedy provided by James Marsden. Still, I can see AMPAS honoring this self-aware satire of the many stereotypes perpetuated by the Mouse Studio for decades and let's face it; even if Adams ends up with only a Golden Globe nomination; Enchanted is poised to become a very successful family film and make very good things for the actress' career.


  1. I'm not sure why so many are hesitant to predict Amy Adams' second career nomination for "Enchanted." As one of the FEW critics who championed Adams months before "Junebug" became a hit, I will be jumping on the Adams bandwagon now. Recall my article...http://www.theoscarigloo.com/2005/Specials/amyadams.html

    I saw the trailer weeks ago, and commented immediately to a friend that I thought she looked Oscarworthy in it. It goes without saying the girl's got major talent, and charisma, the two things this role requires of its actress.

    The major questions will be whether "Enchanted" can do decent box office, earn rave reviews for its lead actress, and whether the studio will fight hard for her sole nomination in a field that includes comedy actresses Laura Linney, Ellen Page, and a handful of other talented actresses.

    For now, I will say that I believe Adams will earn this second nomination. What are your guys's thoughts?

    -Lee Hernandez

  2. I think the movie looks really funny. Adams seems like she has the best performance in the film. Can't wait to see it.

  3. 2nd Nomination for Amy Adams from a comedic role in a Disney Film??? That combination really seemed quite impossible, but once i saw the trailer and cast featurettes, i can see this actually becoming a reality. She's a great actor and it would be great to see an actress from a family comedy recieve a nomination.

  4. I actually got to see an advanced screening of the film.

    The film was good. She was good.

    Definitely not Oscar worthy.

  5. if Johnny Depp got a nod for Pirates, then why Amy shouldn't?

  6. hey anon, why you gotta be a hater...depp's creation of the jack sparror character will be hollywood classic years to come. it was well deserved.

    amy adams is great too! i hope enchanted is tons of fun. Doubt she'll get nominated for an Oscar, but a globe nod would be fun.

  7. I have to say, I'd rather see Amy Adams nominated than Ellen Page. I loved Hard Candy, and have seen everything she's opened in since. I saw Juno in Toronto, and she is wearing a little thin to me.
    I found the film to be cute, but entirely over rated...as was Little Miss Sunshine...I just can't see it or her as Oscar material...not yet.

    Amy Adams is a mature talent. A true triple threat, with movie star "it" factor.

    I just don't get all the Juno hype everyone is jumping on.

  8. I just saw Enchananted this evening. Took my mom to see it on Thanksgiving.

    Unfortunately, I'd never heard much about Amy Adams - guess I'm one of the few who hasn't seen Junebug.

    My mom and both I thought she was incredible in this - and I definitely can see it, if she gets an oscar nod. She truly nailed becoming a disney cartoon character in this. I don't know if many actresses could pull it off as well as she did, except for Julie Andrews. It was a great performance - not to mention, she has a beautiful voice.

    Now i think i have a new favorite actress. Gotta go pick up Junebug now...
