>Birthday and Age: November 22, 1984 (22)
>Location: Asheville, NC
>Education: UNC-Charlotte graduate
>Education: UNC-Charlotte graduate
>What is it about the Oscars that you love so much? "Masses-unfriendly, but artistically important films getting their due."
>Future Aspirations: Screenwriting, Fiction Writing, Journalism and Music.
>Your favorite Oscar winning film of the 80 years: Schindler's List
>In your opinion, biggest Oscar snub: Brokeback Mountain
>Hobbies: "Fiction writing, Music, Magic: The Gathering and Playing video games that are way too old to be cool. I'm also very physically active."

Charlie Wilson's War
Into The Wild
There Will Be Blood
No Country For Old Men
>Single, married, engaged, etc? None. (Whatever that means)
>Most embarrasing moment? "Saying The Black Dahlia would be good."
>Favorite films of all time: Fight Club, Mulholland Drive, Amelie, Requiem for a Dream, Seven, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Memento, Taxi Driver, Brokeback Mountain, Schindler's List
>Favorite actors and actresses. Naomi Watts, Ellen Burstyn, Gwyneth Paltrow. Brad Pitt, Viggo Mortensen, Martin Sheen.
>Anything you would like say to your fans and readers: "I love you."
>Besides yourselves, your favorite Igloo writer. "Clayton Davis is epic."
>Your favorite Oscar predictor out there: "Roger Ebert is the man. Pete Travers is not."