May 28, 2008

A Future Classic in Our Midst?

Hey hey, Joey here....just wondering what film from last year everyone thinks will be the "great" film that people still remember 10 years from now.
Will "There Will Be Blood" be mistaken for the title of a horror flick or revered as another brilliant PT Anderson movie?
Will people confuse "No Country for Old Men" with "The Bucket List"?
Will "Juno" really remind people more of the city in Alaska?
Personally, I think that films like "Into the Wild" and "Gone Baby Gone" will be looked back on as having deserved more attention than they received?
Your thoughts?


  1. I think that with the staggering acclaim that has tagged along with the Coens' name before last year that No Country for Old Men will be reveared for years to come. I, however, think that more than one film that the year 2007 will go down in the books as one of the best years for motion picture in recent memory.

  2. Easily No Country and There Will Be Blood will take the title. Great performance tend to transend time and No Country is agruably the Coen's best film

  3. No Country and There Will Be Blood will probably live on but I think one of the non best picture noms that will live on is Sweeney Todd, the style and performances will last forever. I know most wont agree but I truly think so.

  4. I agree with Aaron, I think the year of 2007 will get more acclaim than any individual film. No Country and There Will Be Blood will probably be the face of that year, but I have hope for the Counterfeiters coming out as great a decade from now (what a film!).

  5. I agree with the first anonymous comment. SWEENEY TODD was one of Tim Burton's best flicks and Tim is an iconic director. It will be remembered for the great surreal atmosphere of Victorian London, its lush visuals and superb acting. What you get is just Burton at his best!

    I'd also like to take the chance to turn the spotlight on a much smaller but not less impressive movie. I think it's almost impossible for any movie to surpass the incredible authenticity of ONCE. A real gem!

    Even though the musical adaptations of 2007 were not recognized as much as those before, it's been a fantastic year for musical movies!

  6. Call me a pessimist, but nothing in the last two years stands out as something that will age well with people.

    Movies like E.T., Star Wars, Terminator 2, Forrest Gump, Pulp Fiction have aged beautifully into middle aged marvels.

    Older films like The Philadelphia Story, It's a Wonderful Life have still made impacts on viewers today.

    Some examples of Best Picture winners not aging to well: Even though one of my favorite films ever, American Beauty, A Beautiful Mind isn't doing so well on the front, I think that might have been an Oscar mistake. Titanic isn't doing too well either. People often criticized the movie for being just special effects and Leo's hand up against a window. lol.

    Movies aging wonderfully: The Silence of the Lambs, The Return of the King BIG TIME!, Million Dollar Baby and Chicago are holding their own.

    If I had to pick something from last year: Juno might be this generation's Pretty in Pink and Breakfast Club and Knocked Up may be remembered for a while by the younger crowd.
    The older viewers will defintiely jump There Will Be Blood has the film that got away. No Country will have that title has the good film with a crappy ending. (in my humble opinion)

  7. As long as Edith Piaf is a legend La Vie En Rose will be remembered, simply because Marion Cotillard's performance will go down as one of the greatest performances ever given, for me it is the best this decade.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. A few general questions:

    Is it great because people still remember it? Or is it great in it of itself? Or does "being remembered" just factor into a films overall greatness? In essence, what makes a film a "classic"?

    We should probably set some boundaries before we embark on this task. It's a non-starter if we are just throwing around empty phrases, with no definitional merit.

    Moreover, what generation are we referring to? Are we talking about our generation 10 years from now? Or, are we talking about the 10 year olds floating around? I'm not sure how generations were 50 years ago, but it feels like the 80s babies aren't to movie savvy to begin with. Are we to trust their judgment regarding the "greatness" of a film? Or, are we just relying on a small group of movie dudes like ourselves? What gives us the authority, and not them?

  10. I think 'Zodiac' will be remembered as a great film and a big snubb, as "Fight Club" is right now.

  11. Clay- you're a pessimist lol just kidding

    right on guys about Once and Zodiac though! Once especially
