May 2, 2009

G.I. Joe gets a new trailer

Behold the most expensive B movie ever made:

-Doesn't do much for me, I gotta bout you?


  1. yea, big, loud, and dumb

  2. The biggest shame is that the trailer doesn't showcase its greatest asset: Joseph Gordon-Levitt. With (500) Days of Summer and Inception, anything showcasing his talent will be a major draw. He's the reason I had the little bit of interest in this movie. Now, I'm not so sure.

  3. Look, there comes a day not so irregularly, when I need a film that is loud, fast, high on special effects, and full of hot young actors in weird getups. That said, Dennis Quaid's over-emphasised voice is really putting me off.

  4. The only reason that i'm a teensy bit interested is because of Christopher Eccleston. I mean, when the Doctor is the villain, it has to interesting.
