July 8, 2009

Today's Trailers: District 9 gets a full trailer, a Red Band look at The Collector, and Giallo

First we have a trailer for District 9 which finally shows some of the actual movie plot:

After that comes the Red Band trailer for the horror flick The Collector:

And finally, Dario Argento's latest aptly titled gore flick Giallo gets a trailer:



  1. I really like the footage of the District 9 trailer but I still am so annoyed by the premise its way too hammer into your skull "we would rape aliens for their technology" and being a hater of politics in film when all it does is hammer, I fear that a film that has potential and obviously from the trailers a very talented new filmmaker (if Jackson hand picked him thats saying something) the action looks great but it looks just so THIS IS THE MESSAGE!


  2. fair point...we'll see what the final verdict is soon enough

  3. I'm looking forward to it, especially because of the involvement of Peter Jackson. The trailer got a bit too "Transformers" for me, even the soundtrack sounded like the transforming sequence of the Transformer films. But I do like this.

  4. I'm liking the look of The Collector too. It had a very eerie feel to it at the start. It'll probably be unadulterated horror, being the Saw peeps, but sometimes I can go for that.

  5. Okay. So Giallo left me very underwhelmed. How predictable was the "hands on the foggy window" scene? And if this trailer had a better score, and dropped the cheap narrative, it would have felt a lot more like the kind of film I might like to see. I am looking at this, as it is, and thinking what is Adrien Brody doing? I know the modern horror film can yank in mega dollars, but with the cast, the scenery and the theme, this could have been portrayed in a more classy manner.

    Disclaimer. Matty's opinion only.
