August 17, 2009

Today's Trailers: Roman Polanski's The Ghost and My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done

The first of our two trailers today is a very very short look at Roman Polanski's new film, called 'The Ghost':

The second and final trailer today is for a film that David Lynch is presenting, directed by Werner Herzog, going by the long name of 'My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done':



  1. Some interesting auteurs showing off their new films...

  2. There's really too little of The Ghost to make an informative decision. It does look good, and has an interesting cast, but you could probably show sixteen seconds of Ishtar and convince somebody that it's a good movie.

    My Son... looks interesting, and I'm all for seeing Michael Shannon and the return of Irma P. hall. I hope Herzog can deliver.

  3. I'm gonna put it out there and say The Ghost piqued my interest, but My Son's trailer just looked so awful, so cheap, and didn't make me want to see the film at all, despite how talented a cast it may have.

  4. Wow, how can they call the trailer for "The Ghost" a trailer at all, lol...

    As far as "My Son..." goes, while it has an incredible cast and while the premise and performances sound like they'd be great, the end product looks terrible...but it still has nothing on how bad "Bad Lieutenant" looks...
