September 20, 2009

The Emmy Awards are tonight...discuss here!

Have at it friends (and fans of TV), use this space for any Emmy related discussions/rants/predictions/comments you may's all yours!


  1. at least one Diablo Cody project had a good weekend...

  2. No, but very little room for surprises. Pretty much all the wins were expected. I'm just glad they got out Ricky Gervais again. Neil Patrick Harris does do a good job hosting. Maybe if they get him for the Oscars, he'll be able to have the triple crown of hosting. Wouldn't that be something!

    Also, hooray for Cherry Jones. Best performance on 24 in since Gregory Itzin.

  3. I must confess I watch less TV than most, but by and large the show didn't offend me too much in terms of winners, though I would have liked to have seen Family Guy get the upset victory
