September 9, 2009

Here's a second attempt at the teaser for Up in the Air!

We'll keep trying to find a permanent embed that works, but for now, try this one:

-While some of the images give away a little bit to people who've read the script, as a true teaser to this film, I think it's excellent...thoughts?


  1. I'll keep messing around with the embed, so this should be the permanent spot for the teaser for now...

  2. I think it's a perfect teaser.

  3. I tried watching the teaser the other day but, as you know, it wasn't working, and I was really interested mostly because of the incredible word of mouth on this film.

    I gotta say, my anticipation for this film was blown to pieces when I saw this trailer.

    The film looks fantastic.

  4. All indications so far are that it's as good as we think, so it's certainly one to look out for

  5. Read the script finally. It should be a great film for sure.

  6. I love the themes the movie explores. It's a cracked up philosophy that I sort of adhere. I'm not sure how I should feel about it after viewing the script, but it seems to reinforce it.

  7. "sort of adhere to"

  8. Fair point, I love where the third act goes, though I won't spoil anything, but anyone who's read the script should know, especially his trip to see Vera Farmiga's character

  9. I agree. The third act gives the story much more depth and gets us thinking a bit more about the philosophy explored in the film. It's a very compelling story that dabbles into major themes about life. I know more characterization makes it sound a little cheesy, but that's how I interpret the screenplay.

  10. Agreed on my part as well, it's a movie that you really don't want to spoil, but it's hard when you want to praise it like I do, but like I said, without revealing too much, the third act is where it all elevates, to use an up in the air style term
