October 1, 2009

"Up in the Air" Gets A New Trailer! It Still Looks Really Good.

-What do you guys think? Is this the contender to beat? Give us your thoughts.


  1. I liked the other one better, but it still seems like a top contender. I guess I liked the darker mood of the teaser better.

  2. this captures the feel of the movie more...it's got both humor, heart, and that darkness

  3. How did you like the film?

    I also liked the music in the first trailer a little bit better.

  4. Well, I've only read the script, but it's an absolute home run on that front...

  5. Yeah I remember that script post a while back. I read the review of it, but not the actual script.

  6. Based on earlier comments on the trailer, I kinda have to agree.

    Yes, this trailer is very good as well (and definitely hasn't diminished my excitement for this film at all), but I personally feel that the teaser was a much stronger, unique look into what's promising to be a great film.

  7. While it looks good, I'm not, from the trailer, seeing anything new, or unfamiliar, or exceptionally brilliant that makes me think this is the one to beat. Perhaps if everybody didn't think it was the one to beat it just might be?

  8. Being a huge aviation buff that loves to travel, and also being a guy who LOVED Thank You For Smoking, I am so pumped to see this movie.

  9. It's my 2nd most anticipated flick, based mostly on the script, the trailers only help
