January 10, 2008

Marion Cotillard ≠ Emily Deschanel

While she is not a household name like Angelina Jolie; Marion Cotillard (who gave in my opinion the best performance of 2007) certainly deserves better than to be mistaken for the girl from "Bones."

In case you didn't know, during VH1's Red Carpet coverage of the Critics' Choice Awards last night; an interviewer introduced the european actress, star of "La Vie en Rose," as Emily Deschanel and to make things worst; once le realized of his mistake he sealed the deal by calling Edith Piaf, the over-the-top singer portrayed by Cotillard in the film, as Pilaf...

While I don't expect much from the channel that airs that I Love NY thing; I can't believe this would happen at an awards show covering the best of film in 2007: a category where Cotillard certainly belongs...


  1. VH1 hurt my EuroPride (well, and Javier Bardem's poor English too).

  2. She looks like Angelina to me.

  3. MArion Cotillard is a beautiful and magnific actress. I hope she win the Oscar

  4. If Marion Cotillard doesn´t win the Academy Award it´s only because she´s french. Period.
    Best performance of the year by far!

  5. i agree without any doubt BEST FEMAILE PERFORMANCE OF 2007!! this woman deserves an Oscar for her performance. by far the best performance by actor or actress this year! absolutely mind blowing!
