August 29, 2009

Official Trailer for Agora

I tried posting this a day or two ago, but the trailer wouldn't work. That's all cleared up now, so have a look:

-I gotta say, this really doesn't do much for me, and the trouble it's had finding a distributor doesn't inspire much hope...what do you think?


  1. It looks to me like Joan of Arc meets Kingdom of Heaven meets Year One...not a great combo

  2. Looks good, but not groundbreaking. Rachel and Alejandro are dependable though, so should be a very good film.

  3. I rule nothing out, but I remain skeptical, despite the talent involved.

  4. I too remain skeptical. It seems like an awfully big budget movie to not have a household name director or any marketable leads (not that the talent involved isn't good, just not well-known). Also, if the preview is any indication, the tone seems preachy...
