August 6, 2009

Today's Trailers:The Boys Are Back and Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant

First we have a look at a new Clive Owen film, going by the name of 'The Boys Are Back':

We also have the latest film trying to capitalize on the current love of vampires, this one called 'Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant':



  1. also be sure to look for the Restricted trailer for Zombieland, it's pretty great...I didn't post it here since there's a bit of zombie nudity, but it's worth seeking out!

  2. Am I the only one who thinks Clive Owen just might be a dark horse Best Actor candidate for "The Boys Are Back"?

    Also, even though it's obviously another kid's book movie tie-in, I can't deny how potentially entertaining "Vampire's Assistant" looks.

  3. "God, you're beautiful."
    - Owen said that in "Closer", in the same way.. haha

    Sorry, couldn't help but notice. :-P

    And yeah, "The Vampire's Assistant" looks fun!

  4. different context for Closer haha but true enough
