September 24, 2009

ACCA voting for the year 2004 has begun!

In case you haven't already, head over here and begin voting, since it's a very strong year and plenty of great films are sure to be left off the final nominee list, so be sure to vote for your favorites!


  1. I like the change, very democratic. But, can you make it so we can go back and change the votes we make. For example, I forgot to select Morgan Freeman in supporting actor category and would like to go back and change my vote. If not, thats cool. I'll just have to be more careful with 2003.


  2. definitely something to pass along to Clayton, but for now I think Mr. Freeman will have to get by without your vote, though I have a feeling he'll be ok...

  3. So for some reason, on my first vote for Best Pic, I submitted it and it came back and said "we've already counted your vote" -- did it counted? I'm confused

  4. Shoot Clayton an email...I believe your vote counted, but you're not the only one to have mentioned that, so it's worth asking about...
