November 28, 2009

In case you thought you'd have a full year before you had to hate The Twilight Saga more...


  1. there's a thing called law of diminishing returns. hopefully it'll set in. or eclipse will make 10 billion dollars.

  2. Don't say that. Please! Actually to be fair if shitty "guy" flicks are released all the time i can't begrude the twilight movies that much.

  3. Joey, I hate you, and you know perfectly well why.

  4. This is just a little too much. TOO MUCH!!! In defence of Twilight [ha ha] I read the novel [bad call] and it just as bad as the first one was. So I guess it's a good adaptation :)

  5. It's a cash cow. They will continue to release if they can make millions of dollars with each movie. I'm going to embrace the concept of a twilight film being released every year. I'll try to sabotage every one's experience by going to a movie, and yelling at the scream or laughing. We should make this an event across the country. The Sabotage Twilight event. No more bitching from me.

  6. It's not meant to be great its the new teen fad and they made a lot of money out of it why wouldn't they make a lot of sequels. There's many bad movies why does this inspire so much hate. I saw the first one and I didn't particularly like it, but it wasn't terrible. By now you know if you like it or not what's the use of all the hating?

  7. Luckily, they might stop after they run out of books...
