November 11, 2009

Kick-Ass gets a teaser Trailer...

The well regarded comic book becomes a movie, and here's the first look at it:

-I think this looks like it could be a hell of a lot of fun...thoughts?


  1. The comic is more of a dark dark satire of comic books with a really brutal and I'm talking brutal side to it. The movie looks as you put it fun. And while there should be some fun...the movie looks nothing but fun. Where it should be about the sad dark truth that its not easy to be a superhero.

  2. what I've heard from the test screenings is that it's incredibly bloody and violent, sure to be a hard that what you're getting at? I'm only going off what I've looked up about the film and what I've been told from the screening...

  3. I'm sure its violent enough...but violence and brutality aren't always the same...for example I've seen 1 leaked scene online...not nearly as brutal is it needs to be...also to overall tone is too light in my opinion. the opening scene, armenian dude thing is fine that can be light there are moments of lightness but everything iv seen the whole movie feels light.

  4. I see....well, I suppose it's all in the name of getting a broader audience than Watchmen got.

  5. Very true, but Watchmen almost couldn't have been done better...just Malin Ackerman/the Sex scene were weak points everything else was pitch perfect...but sadly it is all about money.
