November 15, 2009

A look at this year's Oscar Long Shots....

...can be found by going to the Main Page of The Awards Circuit and looking at this article here. Especially in terms of Best Picture, there's perhaps the greatest chance in a long time for a real long shot to make the cut. It's something to think about at least, and we all certainly do think about this kind of stuff a lot.
-What do you think are the long shots with the best chances this year?


  1. Either you think District 9 has a great chance, a slim chance, or zero chance at getting a nod. I don't think you believe it has a great chance at a nomination, and your article does not place it among the long shots, so do you think District 9 has absolutely no chance at a nod? I'd place it among the long shots, but closer to UP than Paranormal Activity. Or, am I off the mark?

  2. It was one of the ones I left off just so there'd be something to discuss, but I'd actually say it's got about the same chance as Star Trek or Paranormal Activity, which is to say, not too likely

  3. actually, on second thought I give it a decent chance, but only provided it ends up on some precursors...I did omit it from my list on purpose though, like I said...thought it'd be more interesting to mention The Cove or Paranormal Activity.
