November 18, 2009

A French Poster for Avatar



  1. Is it just me, or are the blue creatures really off-puting for anybody else?


  2. So everyone complains and complains that there's never any semblence of originality in Hollywood...and by the time one of the most critically acclaimed and successful directors in modern cinema throws out a passion project of his that is entirely like nothing we've seen before, the only thing I hear is "I don't like it..." "This xxxx really bothers me..." "Those blue people are weird, I don't want to see it."

  3. it is a bit strange, but people are fickle...

  4. I do want to see this film, but I just don't like this poster. But having said that, what one person likes and one person does not, is not the summation of everybody's opinion. And while people may want something new and visionary and original, it does not mean that, when something new and original and visionary comes along, people are going to like it. A film's originality and visionary creators does not mean it's going to be a good film, nor that the people employed with big bucks to come up with the posters are going to make a poster that people like. Like the first trailer for this film, it really disappointed me, not because it wasn't original and new, but because it told me absolutely nothing about the story except that some people show up on a new world, which in itself is not very intriguing beyond the first few minutes of the film. But then the second one came along and it totally piqued my interest again and has me hanging out to see this film again. Now, having seen and enjoyed James Cameron's other sci-fi films, particularly Aliens, this is very different to what he's done before, and probably very different to what people may have expected - it looked very different from what I was expecting. However, I can put that aside and accept this film for what it is, providing it has a good story.

  5. My thoughts exactly Matthew (except I'd take T2 over Aliens).

    Here's to hoping its great!

