February 2, 2010

Nominations Announcement Video...

...just in case you wanted to see.


  1. Who are the people that are being presented the nominations? Why did they cheer The Blind Side? May I have numbers, addresses, relatives' numbers and addresses of these people please?

    I will be bitter for a long.
    Long time about The Blind Side.

  2. I think you're taking that a bit hard, but that's just me...

  3. Isn't funny how the new President cannot pronounce many of the nominees. Vera Farmiga's name was mutilated. Even James Cameron was pronounced funny. lol

  4. A lot of people complain about "The Blind Side" being "racist"....and I beg to differ.

    It only presented the truth about the existence of projects one side of the coin, and suburbs on the other using a conservative lens.

    As a black man, I can't stand it when people sing the blues when someone "white" extends a hand to someone "black" without any ulterior motives involved. For some reason it's alway seen as a condescending gesture. What difference would it make if Lee Ann were Puerto Rican...point is she pursued a goal and achieved it....Come on, it's 2010 not 1960...

    In any case John Lee Hancock could have had the the idea of "two worlds resonating" in mind when he distinguished Lee Ann's world from Michael so vividly. I would hope he wasn't trying to defame the "ghetto."
