December 3, 2009

PTA to reunite with PSH on a new film...

...that could potentially be about L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology (but not exactly), according to this article in Variety. Sorry for the silly headline, but I couldn't resist, as you'll see in a moment. That being said, Paul Thomas Anderson is a huge talent and he always seems to do well with Phillip Seymour Hoffman. To quote my good friend and co-writer Myles Hughes, "PTA and PSH have never let me down yet".
-Thoughts on this potential project?


  1. well we can certainly start predicting this for picture, actor, director and god knows what else...

  2. well we can certainly start predicting this for picture, actor, director and god knows what else...

  3. Philip is my favorite actor, and PTA is one of my top 5 favorite directors, so I always get excited for things like this.

    2nd favorite actor is Daniel Day Lewis, so I like Anderson's taste too :)

  4. it certainly is a potential-laden project...
