December 7, 2009

Check out our Early Review of Nine!

Our fearless leader Clayton has seen one of the most anticipated films of the year, and his thoughts on it can be found here.
-Thoughts on the review?


  1. another big one taken down by clayton

  2. I've heard from a few people who saw it much earlier that they enjoyed it, but the enthusiasm waned as time passed, so it might be the type of film that gets a lot of good reviews and precursor attention, but only does decently with the Academy...we'll see, though.

  3. Eh. I agree with Clayton a little less than half the time. I'm familiar with the musical and love the songs so that right there separates my view since he didn't particularly care for them. Nathaniel Rogers who I agree most of the time with really liked it and he loves the stage version so i'll just have to wait and see.

  4. Andrew, that's perfectly fine. I don't expect many people to agree with me. The critics and members in the audience cheered. And I still think a Best Picture nomination is certain.

  5. Fair point, but here's my will voters who don't know the musical from Adam respond to it? I take more stock from what Clay says simply because he's coming to it with less preconceptions...some voters will love the show for sure, but just as many, if not more, won't have that going for them, so that's why I'm not sure a rave from someone who loves the work it came from is the be all, end know?

  6. Or, just look to Clayton's response...

  7. I mean no disrepect and i'm not saying a review from someone who is familiar with the show has more weight than someone who hasn't. I'm just saying I tend to respond more like Nathaniel. You have a fair point too Joey. But there's also the fact that people who do already know the show will have an idea of what it's to be like and therefore can look upon and see if it makes a worthy transition or if it's clunky. I mean just because someone has seen 8 and 1/2 they aren't necessarily likelier to like Nine just because they are familiar with its origins ya know?

  8. Of course, I just simply think the real test for it (or any other adapted work in general) is how people with no previous knowledge respond to it. Short of remaking Star Wars, the audience for any film that's based on material already out there will be seeing it without having seen the previous material...
