December 12, 2009

Our early review of Avatar highlights the latest updates to The Awards Circuit!

Yes, the film we're all waiting to see has already been seen by our fearless leader Clayton. His early review of Avatar can be found here, and when you're not cursing his good fortune, be sure to read it and let us know what you think!
We also have a slight update to the Best Actor predictions, which can be found here. There are more updates to the predictions to come, so be sure to stay tuned!
-Thoughts on the early review of Avatar?


  1. I'm assuming the somewhat cheesy dialogue made him give it "only" 3 1/2 stars? Nice review. Question: should I see this is regular digital 3-D or "IMAX 3-D"? Is there a difference?

  2. lol, if that review is a 3.5, what in the hell is a 4!

    definitely got me more excited to see it

  3. Clayton addressed it on the message board...the cheesy dialogue and slow beginning docked it a bit, but visually, he was over the moon for it and said it's perfectly enjoyable in a regular theater, but is tremendously impressive in Imax....

  4. Thank God, Thank God, Thank God, I can breathe now, Cameron did not fail with this one!!!!!

  5. All these reviews have me now seeing Avatar. Just when I was about to leave...they pull me back in.
