December 3, 2009

Today's Posters: New looks at Avatar and The Book of Eli, along with a poster for The Back-up Plan



  1. Am I the only one that thinks Avatar keeps getting dumber looking? I mean, if I wanted to play a video game I would. I understand it deserves the hype due to the director, and (I guess) the amount of money spent on it. But, honestly, it's still going to be hard for me to devote $10 to seeing it.

  2. Avatar's starting to make me worried now. I was rooting movie since 2-3 years, but now all I see is the same posters every time. Nothing new or original. I am so worried if it's gonna fail...

  3. I think it's mostly trying to keep things a surprise for the viewer, but we'll see...

    Also, where is a movie 10 bucks still? It's almost 13 in NYC and in IMAX Avatar will be closer to 20 for me...

  4. 6.50 matinee, here in Palmdale,Ca...;-)

  5. $10 for a student ticket in Atlanta....I didn't think about IMAX, though. So, make that more like $15.

    I agree about them keeping it a mystery, its just the way they're choosing to "quietly" promote it without giving too much away isn't really appealing to me.

  6. 5$ is Seattle

    Avatar is managing expectations quite well right now if you ask me

  7. Lucky folks. I'm quite lucky in that I only pay for about half the movies I go to (screening rooms make up the rest), but it's between 11.75 and 13 depending on if I go to Brooklyn or Manhattan...

  8. Yeah, I use to live in northern Maine up until a few months ago and a ticket would cost me $5 no matter if it was day or night. But now I live in Los Angeles, where the tickets cost $15. But its worth it for the better theater, bigger screen, nicer seats, and better choice of movies.

